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5月29日、本校生徒が広島大学に出向き、学校や西条駅で集めたネパール大地震への義援金約30万円を募金をしてくださった多くの方々の善意とともに広島大学の留学生組織(ISA)にお預けしました。また、ネパール人留学生から現地の現状や文化等のお話を伺いました。義援金は現地の学生が教育を受けられるように教科書やノートなどの購入に充てられます。この義援金によってネパールの復興が一刻も早く進められることを祈っています。 以下は現地で活動されている広島大学在籍中のネパール人留学生ビジャンさんからのメッセージです。

I feel fortunate to have visited Laprak village (approximately 2100 meters above sea level) which is located near the epicenter of the Great Earthquake on April 25, 2015. The 7.6 magnitude earthquake destroyed the entire village forcing the residents to move 600 meters up in the hill. The village lost 25 of its people and several injured during the earthquake. I spent four days there to understand the post-earthquake situation. I was really touched by the kindness and cheerfulness of the people there. Even during such a difficult time, I could see calm, patience and hope among the people. They do not have enough food to eat but when anyone visits their home (temporary shelter), they whole-heartedly welcomes the guest and offers food to eat. There are approximately 4,000 residents and 600 households in the village. The only one secondary school (From class 1 until class 10) of the village was completely destroyed. Also, the only private kindergarten school was also completely destroyed. There are around 700 students in the secondary school and 150 students in kindergarten. The government has closed the educational institutions until May 30 and the classes will resume from May 31. The school has received few tents from the international donors and few more are expected to be delivered within few days. The headmaster of the school is hopeful to receive textbooks from the government. So far none of the donors have provided school and stationary materials for the students. When the classes resumes from May 31, the students do not have notebook, pen/pencil, eraser, sharpener, school bag, etc. The children and even the adults in the village are still traumatised by the great disaster. The teachers of the school are planning to conduct the class in a different way to make the students forget about the trauma and disaster. I have attached some of the pictures of the village and school. I humbly request you to kindly consider this village and help the school children immediately to pursue their education with proper stationary materials. Thank you. Best Regards,

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