


【国際交流】 JICA 青年海外協力隊体験プログラムに参加


JICA 2012年春 青年海外協力隊体験プログラムに参加


3月17日(土)・18日(日) 西日本5県から国際交流に関心を持っている高校生が集まり、様々なプログラムやワークショップに取り組みました。





“Great Success!” say members of the Takeda team of 2nd year students who attended JICA’s Foreign Volunteer Program. Schools from 5 different prefectures in Western Japan descended upon Higashi Hiroshima for the annual event where they made friends while participating in various programs and workshops. Of particular interest was the “trade game,” in which students split up into various groups and competed to see who could make the most “widgets” with the materials they were given. Through the course of the game, students soon found that the different groups started out with much different materials; some having a competitive advantage. Since the results of the game were linked with the amount of food that each group received for lunch, students learned a valuable lesson about poverty and wealth distribution in the world. Having listened to presentations from veteran volunteers with experience in the region, students were able to try their hand at formulating an ‘action plan’ for what they would do if stationed in Cambodia as JICA volunteers. They presented their plan to the others and asked pertinent questions at other’s presentations. All in all, the weekend provided an experience that usually cannot be had without traveling abroad, as students talked in real time to volunteers in Cambodia, and enjoyed speaking in English with a visiting peace delegation from the Philippines (did you know there was currently a civil conflict in the Philippines?). Making memories and friends that will not soon be forgotten, Takeda students continue their journey to become real “world citizens.”
